[2016-11-03] The original developers of pocl, the Customized Parallel Computing (CPC) group of Department of Pervasive Computing of Tampere University of Technology (Finland) is looking for enthusiastic software developers to work on pocl's OpenCL standard conformance.
The primary goal is to develop the code base towards OpenCL 1.2 standard compliance, which should be "almost there" already. After the Khronos OpenCL 1.2 conformance tests pass successfully, the new features in the OpenCL 2.0 standard will be worked on.
You can apply for a part time or a full time job, or a master's / bachelor's thesis project depending on your case and study situation. The job is ideal for students who wish to get some practical coding experience and a bit of extra spending money during the semester. The length of the employment will be 3-12 months, which is negotiable. Working remotely is also possible given that you take care of all the necessary taxes and fees required by your country of residence.
A perfect candidate for this job should have some previous experience (from course work, hobbies or previous jobs) in the following topics:
- C99 and C++11
- Software development in Linux environment
- Contributing to open source projects
Knowledge in one or more of the following topics is considered a plus:
- Compiler internals, especially the LLVM framework
Please send your application/inquiries by November 30 2016 to the supervisor of this task, Dr. Pekka Jääskeläinen (pekka.jaaskelainen@tut.fi). Please include your CV, your study record, and a cover letter describing your current situation including a list of courses you plan to take in the semester, if you are a student. Also please mention how many hours per week you are willing to work on the project, and what is your desired salary. Be sure to describe your previous experience especially in the above topics.
I hope to hear from you soon! - Pekka